To say Cian Twomey has dominated my and many others’ Facebook News Feed for the past few months is something of an understatement.
In an incredibly short period of time Cian Twomey has taken off in a way no-one would have expected. He’s made people cry with laughter all over the world, all from the phone in his pocket and with a little help from the characters in his head (and his actual girlfriend).
Having worked on an event with Cian before, I thought it was about time we caught up to see how he’s getting on!
I met up with Cian in Heuston Station on a busy Wednesday evening, accompanied by the real Emily after he was wrapping up a long day of interviews with some of the biggest names in Ireland.
Cian! How are things with you? Thanks for taking the time to meet for a chat. I see you’ve had a busy day, what have you been up to?
I’ve had the longest day of my life today Will. I started off on RTE with Brendan o’Connor at 9am with just a quick 15 minute chat about my success or whatever. After that I had a chat with Bressie about podcasts; he wants to start up a few. Shortly after, we had lunch with Louis Walsh which lasted about three hours. He’s looking to break me out into the UK and America. He wants to get me out beyond Ireland pretty much. That’s kind of all that happened today and now I’m tired and just want to go home… to bed.
Wow, that sounds absolutely amazing! I suppose walking around the streets of Dublin, even around central bank I’ve heard kids walking by going, “Go f**k yourself Cian”.
Yeah, we went into RTE and there was a group of them. A few of them managed to figure out where I was which is kind of weird but cool at the same time. We got pictures and that, happy out!
So, what does it feel like to be massively in the public eye when less than a year ago you had just started making your own videos and putting them on Facebook? How did you get into it?
It’s a good and bad thing. I’m getting used to it so it’s cool, everyone knows you but you don’t know anyone, if you get me. A for getting into it, I suppose that my father encouraged me. He always thought I’d be good in the entertainment business. He thought I’d be able to make people smile, make them laugh and so that was how I made my friends – I was always the class clown. Once Facebook came around, I noticed people were making videos so I thought, why not video it and put it online, see what happens.
And is that what it is for you? Is that what you get your kicks out of? Being able to capture people’s imagination and make them laugh?
Yeah man, it’s all about observing. Seeing what people like and making it into a comedy version of them.
Do you think it was good to diversify and people wanted to see some of the old stuff coming back?
It was cool because like, believe it or not, the characters obviously don’t exist but they still bounce off each other. I mean like, my Nan and Emily, the characters like, bounce off each other, they hate each other. Emily is stealing Nan’s baby if you get me. They just absolutely hate each other. It’s like I’m nearly after convincing myself that my characters are real. Which is weird but cool at the same time!
I guess that they’re part of you now. So when you’re in day-to-day situations, you’re wondering what these characters would do?
Yeah that’s exactly it. It’s like, sometimes I think I’m schizophrenic but…
Wow, about 8 characters just floating around in your head!
And so you started featuring the real Emily in some of your videos and she’s here today as well.
She is!
And would you bring her to many of your interviews/meetings? Does she come along with you most of the time?
**Right about here is where we were interrupted by two fan girls walking by who insisted on getting a photo. I hadn’t realised how much this may have annoyed his girlfriend but she was a great sport about the whole thing and laughed it off.**
Oh yeah, I bring her everywhere. I know she’s well able. I reckon she’ll break out doing something on Youtube. Shes not a 9 to 5 kind of person and neither am I but she’s settling for it at the moment. She’s settling but I’m going to push her to do it like!
I’ve noticed that you’ve also started selling merchandise and not only did you sell out the first run but you sold out the second run too.
I’ve sold out three times now Will. It’s madness!
So there’s a rake of people with your slogan all over them? What’s that like?
Aw stop, I know and I didn’t block it out either so there’s people walking around with profanity on them. Which is kind of funny but I’m not going to be responsible for it even though it was entirely my fault, it’s pretty cool! I sold out 3 times and I made a good bit of – what’s the word – income!
So what do the next twelve months hold for Cian Twomey?
I don’t even know man. Hopefully I’d double my following if not triple it. If I believe in myself, I’ll achieve it I suppose. A good few people have told me that. I think I have potential to do it so. I think I’ll be able to make a proper name for myself and not be just an internet guy.
Excellent stuff. Thanks for taking the time to talk to me today Cian and I look forward to seeing what you end up doing with yourself over the next while!
Cheers Will!
For more interviews, event pics, tips and tricks, tweet me @williammeara any ideas you have for blog posts of people you think we should interview next.
Be Dublin