
Story Café


Join us for an evening of storytelling featuring Members of Ottawa StoryTellers on the 2nd Monday of the month at 7:00 pm at The Hollander (65 Holland Ave). No Story Café in July and August. Story Café is a Pay-What-You-Can event ($5 suggested)

Events in this collection

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Here’s what you may have missed

  • Story Café: Beyond Green Gables primary image

    Story Café: Beyond Green Gables

    Mon, Jun 10, 7:00 PM

    From $0.00

  • Story Café: A Bit of This & A Bit of That primary image

    Story Café: A Bit of This & A Bit of That

    Mon, May 13, 7:00 PM

    From $0.00


Organizer of Story Café
Ottawa StoryTellers(OST) is a registered charitable organization, devoted topromoting the art of storytelling in our community, to nurturing and inspiring both beginning and experienced storytellers, and to providing tellers and listeners of all ages with opportunities to come together to share and enjoy stories.