BrainTheraCamp Melillo Method - neurological  disorders - starts on Mondays

BrainTheraCamp Melillo Method - neurological disorders - starts on Mondays

Cutting-edge evidence-based brain-based model Neurodevelopment Functional Neurology 4 children/adults with ASD ADHD dyslexia school problems

By Brain Integration Therapy: virtual & in-person


Hotel Diament Arsenal Palace Katowice Chorzów

35 Paderewskiego 41-500 Chorzów Poland

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About this event

Brain-based Intensive TheraCamp Melillo Method TM for children and adults with neurodevelopmental disorders - ASD, ADHD, Dyslexia, Tourette's, Learning disabilities

starts every Monday and lasts 1 or 2 weeks with normally 20 sessions per week

Cutting-edge, hemisphericity-based, effective, proven, evidence-based, brain-based model

​Series - Neuro-development, Developmental Functional Neurology, Developing Minds

Duration - 1 week + with 20 or 10 sessions per week, school term 1, school term 2

Mode - in-person in Katowice, Poland

Starts every Monday

Booking required minimum 1 week in advance

Location - Hotel Arsenal Palace Diamond Hotel & Spa, Katowice, Poland

What you need to know about our Intensive Brain TheraCamp Melillo Method ™ program


Address in Katowice, Poland: Hotel Diament Arsenal Palace Spa Katowice, Paderewskiego 35, 41-500 Chorzow - we have arranged a 15% discount for your stay in the hotel during the intensive Brain TheraCamp. Please request accommodation booking instructions from us prior to booking your stay to receive a discount.​​

Intensive TheraCamps can be booked for 1 week and longer all year round.

In your Intensive program, your child will receive 20 forty five minute sessions in two 90-minute blocks over the period of 5 consecutive days

On day 1, your child will receive a comprehensive developmental functional neurology assessment carried out by Gabriela Hennigan M.A. - Ireland's only Melillo Method TM certified provider and a childhood neurodevelopmental specialist who is a special education teacher, reflex integration therapist and education and behaviour consultant.

The intervention program will be devised on day 1 which is an assessment day

Your child will work with some, not all, cutting-edge devices, such as oscillotherapeutics, laser and digital health tools. Please scroll down for more details.

A parent / guardian will be requested to be present with a child throughout the program and will receive the instructions how to later deliver the home program to maintain the results.

On day 5, the discharge day, your child will receive a home therapy program to continue the intervention.

Description of the Intensive Brain TheraCamp The Melillo Method ™The 1-1 intensive Brain TheraCamp program is individualised for each child to meet their specific needs, but the general procedure is similar.Your child will have 4 x 45 minute sessions each day, five days a week, giving 20 sessions per week.

Assessment on day 1

Each child is first tested using a number of standardised tests to establish if there is an imbalance in the brain, which part of the brain is underdeveloped and which one is overdeveloped, and exactly which parts of the brain are most delayed in their development. To make this assessment, motor and coordination abilities, sensory processing, cognitive and academic skills are measured. Diet and habits that may negatively affect the brain and its development and balance are also assessed.


Based on the results of the testing, an individualised programme is developed that addresses the specific needs of the particular child.A multimodal approach is used for maximum effect and supporting the integration of different brain areas, as well as the two hemispheres as a whole. Usually, a child does not need need all possible interventions, but a unique combination involving some of them. Children have 2 ninety minute sessions for 5 days a week in one week or a two-week program.There is always a home program that runs post to the intensive Brain TheraCamp sessions.Parents are instructed in advance how to do with their child the various exercises and stimulations included in it. The ideal option is for the child to receive specific targeted stimulation twice a day.​If a large part of them is done at home, the achievement of the result is accelerated in time and costs are reduced for the families.

Here are some examples of the multi-modal stimulation during the intensive Brain TheraCamp program with the use of cutting-edge technology


  • Light, optokinetic and other types of visual stimulation
  • Sound and music therapy
  • Smells and aromatherapy
  • Tactile stimulation
  • Vibration stimulation
  • Balance and proprioception exercises
  • Vestibular activities with rotation


  • Elimination diets ​
  • Diets to balance the immune system
  • Diets to support brain function


  • Digital programs for video games,virtual reality andprograms with music, sounds, vibrational frequencies and laser
  • Exercises to integrate primary reflexes
  • Developmental exercises
  • Exercises for strength and stability of the core and lateral muscles ​
  • Exercises to balance muscle tone
  • Exercises to develop the dominant side
  • Interactive metronome
  • Eye exercises
  • Exercises for fine motor skills


  • Mirror therapy
  • Behavioural modifications


  • Reading
  • Reading comprehension
  • Listening comprehension
  • Spelling
  • Mathematics
  • Organisational skills
  • Goal setting skills
  • Caution
  • Concentration
  • Memory
  • Executive functioning skills
  • Phonological awareness and word decoding

If your child is receiving traditional therapies, expect traditional results!In the intensive programs we re-wire the brain while following specific advanced hemispheric-based protocols and some cutting-edge tools used in the field of developmental functional neurology and neuroscience.'' The goal is simple: restore balance to the brain by targeting specific networks on one side of the brain with very specific stimulation. By combining different types of stimulation (light, sound, smell, movement, inner ear, balance, touch) along with cognitive and academic activities etc., we can activate specific networks on one side of the brain, causing them to grow and become more connected.'' - by Dr. Melillo


we also deliver virtual at-home programs for 12 and 16 week in the Melillo Method TM

Organized by

Visit our website to view all our in-person and virtual therapeutic and educational services

Book a get started call here with our childhood neurodevelopmental therapist.






duration 1-3 weeks, 5-18 days, 5-48 sessions per week, Monday-Friday (or Monday-Saturday, if you select mHBOT)

NO 1 - BrainTheraCamp Melillo Method ™ - brain rehab , 5 - 15 days, 10 - 40 sessions per week

NO 2 - Reflex Integration TheraCamp - Melillo i RMTi methods - brainstem rehab , 5 - 15 days, 10 - 40 sessions per week

NO 3 - Social Communication Naturalistic Play-Based TheraCamp - early intervention , 5 - 15 days, 10 - 40 sessions per week

NO 4 - Peak Performance NeuroTiiming Interactive Metronome TM Program - for children, adults and seniors with neurodevelopmental and neurological conditions, we also provide the peak performance program for the athletes, business executives, students and for anyone else who needs peak mental performance before a business meeting, a sport event, an exam, a job interview, etc 5 - 15 days, 10 - 40 sessions per week

NO 5 - mBOT mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Hyperbarics TheraCamp. You will use a 2-person mild hyperbaric chamber Dive 33 '' manufactured in the USA by Summit to Sea, with a 10L oxygen concentrator DeVilbiss, 6 - 18 days, 6 - 24 sessions per week

NO 6 - Combo TheraCamp : Melillo ™ Intensive Brain TheraCamp, Virtual Reality, mHBOT 6 - 18 days, 48 sessions per week Monday-Saturday (8 sessions per day, 4 sessions AM and 4 sessions PM). The 48 sessions in one week is scheduled as follows: Brain TheraCamp Melillo TM 20 sessions + VR Virtual Reality Program for non - verbal, minimally verbal and fully verbal clients - 5 sessions + mHBOT 24 sessions

NO 7 - Cognitive Functions Boost + TheraCamp , 5 - 15 days, 10 - 40 sessions per week

NO 8 - Social Skills Training TheraCamp, 5 - 15 days, 10 - 20 sessions per week


with assessment, home program, 1-1 parent coaching, group coaching and mentoring, from any place in the world with a stable internet connection, offered in English and Polish

NO 1 - Brain Integration Program Melillo Method TM (brain rehab) , 50 weeks

NO 2 - Brain Integration Program Melillo Method TM (brain rehab) , 12 weeks

NO 3 - Neuro-Sensory-Motor Program with Interactive Metronome IM Melillo Method TM, 16 weeks

NO 4 - Peak Performance NeuroTiming Interactive Metronome Program (cerebellar rehab) for children, adults and seniors with neurological and neurodevelopmental conditions, option available also for athletes and business executives, students preparing for an exam, for a job interview, for any event that requires your peak cognitive performance, 16 weeks

NO 5 - Primitive Reflex Integration Program (brainstem rehab) 12 weeks

NO 6 - Social Communication Program - early intervention 10 weeks