Embryo / Krautrock

Embryo / Krautrock

Legendary international collective since '69, blending global influences into a rare gem of musical creativity.

By Prulček / Zavod Prule

Date and time

Wed, 17 Jul 2024 20:00 - 23:00 CEST


Prulček - live music venue

2 Prijateljeva ulica 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia

Refund Policy

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About this event

  • 3 hours

Embryo, ki velja za eno izmed najbolj legendarnih zasedb v svetu progresivnega in fuzijskega jazza, prinaša izkušnjo, ki je nikakor ne gre zamuditi. Ustanovljena v daljnem letu 1969 v Münchnu,, ta skupina ni samo preživela številne glasbene dobe, ampak je tudi aktivno sooblikovala glasbeni svet z neustavljivim raziskovanjem in fuzijo različnih žanrov. Od jazz rocka, krautrocka do etno glasbe, Embryo nikoli niso zastali v ustaljenih okvirih, temveč so vedno iskali nove zvočne obzorja.

Posebnost skupine Embryo ni zgolj v njihovi dolgi zgodovini ali impresivni diskografiji, ki obsega več kot 40 albumov, ampak predvsem v njihovem nekonvencionalnem pristopu k ustvarjanju glasbe. Z neomajnim poudarkom na improvizaciji in sodelovanju z glasbeniki z vsega sveta so Embryo ustvarili edinstven glasbeni izraz, ki presega kulturne in žanrske meje. Njihova glasba je živa zgodovina, ki odraža duh časa, skozi katerega so potovali, hkrati pa ostaja sveža in relevantna tudi danes.

Za ljubitelje glasbe, ki iščejo globoko glasbeno doživetje, je obisk koncerta skupine Embryo v intimnem ambijentu Prulčka je neprecenljiva priložnost. Njihova sposobnost, da vsakemu poslušalcu ponudijo nekaj edinstvenega, je tisto, kar jih dela legendarno in nepozabno. Ne zamudite priložnosti, da postanete del tega zgodovinskega glasbenega dogodka.


  • Maasl Maier - bas, tolkala, flavta, saksofon
  • Jan Weissenfeldt - kitara
  • Jakob Thun - bobni, tolkala
  • Marja Burchard - vibrafon, rhodes, santur, trombon, vokali

Embryo 2024 tour is sponsored by Goethe-Institut

Embryo, renowned as one of the world's legendary bands in progressive and fusion jazz, brings an experience not to be missed. Formed in distant 1969 in Munich, this group not only survived various music eras but also actively shaped the music world with its unstoppable exploration and fusion of genres. From jazz-rock to world music, Embryo has always sought new sonic horizons.

The uniqueness of Embryo lies not only in their long history or impressive discography of over 40 albums but primarily in their unconventional approach to music creation. With a strong emphasis on improvisation and collaboration with musicians worldwide, Embryo has crafted a unique musical expression transcending cultural and genre boundaries. Their music reflects the spirit of the times they've traversed while remaining fresh and relevant today.

For music enthusiasts seeking a profound musical experience, attending an Embryo concert in the intimate ambiance of Prulček is an invaluable opportunity. Their ability to offer each listener something unique is what makes them legendary and unforgettable. Don't miss the chance to be part of this historic music event.


  • Maasl Maier - bass, percussions, flute, sax
  • Jan Weissenfeldt - guitar
  • Jakob Thun - drums, percussions
  • Marja Burchard - vibraphone, rhodes, santur, trombone, vocals


Organised by

The power of music is undeniable. It can be used to bring people together, to heal broken hearts, or even change the world.

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