How we feel and the food we choose: Joanne Faulkner (2)

How we feel and the food we choose: Joanne Faulkner (2)

By Arthritis Ireland and FibroIreland

Date and time

Sat, 12 May 2018 15:05 - 16:05 GMT+1


Hilton Dublin

Charlemont Place Dublin Ireland


Fibromyalgia in Chinese medicine is treated as a condition of the liver and this talk aims to give a brief overview of this aspect including flavour, colour, season and emotions that correspond to this organ in Chinese medicine. It is in no way prescriptive, but more about providing tools to ask ‘how is the body, how am I feeling and what do I need right now?’

Participants in this workshop will discuss effective, gentle detox for the body, learn about foods that increase energy and decrease pain, discover which foods are best avoided, and understand how to alcalyze the body, reducing pain and stagnation.

Joanne Faulkner is a Shiatsu practitioner specialising in the energy of food in traditional Chinese medicine. She is the author of Shiatsu and the Art of Conscious Cooking and operates a Shiatsu clinic in Dublin city centre and north county Dublin. She also runs cookery classes, health retreats and caters holistic events.

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