Learn to play Guitar NOW! Guitar lessons for beginners.

Learn to play Guitar NOW! Guitar lessons for beginners.

Join our Free 5-Day Guitar Challenge! Learn your first song in days, not weeks. Start your musical journey today! #GuitarLessons

By Dave Donoghue




Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5

Day 1 - Embark on Your Guitar Journey: Mastering Basic Chords

Dive into the world of guitar playing with two of the most essential chords: the 'A' and 'E' chords. Learn the art of producing clear sounds and swift transitions between these chord shapes. Discover...

About this event

🎸 Dave's Free 5-Day "Learn to Play Guitar Challenge" 🎸

📚 👉 **Your learning area opens the evening before we begin!**

Join the Interactive Guitar Learning Revolution!

Begin your journey with the guitar in a fun and easy way! Each day's lesson is released at 7am (GMT) in our video portal, allowing you to learn at your own pace, in the comfort of your home. But that's not all – enjoy live Q&A sessions, vibrant community interaction, and much more!

Are You Ready to Start Playing Guitar?

Whether you're a complete beginner or looking to refresh your skills, this challenge is for you.

If any of these sound familiar..

  • a guitar gathering dust at home
  • previous attempts at learning that didn't stick
  • a busy schedule, or just the desire to play your favorite songs

Our 5 day challenge is the perfect solution!

Who Should Join This Challenge?

- Absolute beginners starting from scratch.

- Guitarists looking to revisit and solidify the basics.

- Anyone who has thought about picking up the guitar but didn't know where to start.

In just 5 days, with 20-40 minutes of practice daily, I, Dave Donoghue (DipLCM), with over 20 years of teaching experience, will guide you through a structured, step-by-step approach to playing your first guitar song.

What Will You Learn?

- Essential techniques to sound like a real guitarist.

- Five modules filled with mini-lessons to achieve daily milestones.

- The agenda to discover what you'll learn and play each day.

Join Over 15,600 YouTube Subscribers in Our Thriving Online Community!

👌 64,900 Lesson Hours Taken Online

👌 3,100,000+ Lesson Views

👌 20+ Years of Teaching Experience

Limited Spots for the Upcoming Challenge!

Reserve your spot now, bring out that guitar, and get ready to strum your way to fun and mastery!

Guitar Made Easy!

With our proven methods, learn:

👉 The basics of guitar without prior musical experience.

👉 Three essential chord shapes used in thousands of songs.

👉 How to deal with initial challenges like sore fingers.

👉 The benefits of joining our online community for your guitar journey.

Embark on Your Guitar Adventure Today!

In just five days, you'll be playing (and possibly singing) your first song. Experience the joy of music like never before!

Exclusive Benefits Included:

✅ Daily personalized support for your questions.

✅ Customizable practice plans to fit your life.

✅ Learn with clarity and confidence – never feel lost or alone.

✅ Enjoy the camaraderie of learning alongside fellow guitar enthusiasts.

Got Questions?

Check out our FAQ, or contact me directly at dave[at]theschoolofguitar.com. I'm here to help!


Please note that mastering your first guitar song in 5 days, or any specified time period, is not guaranteed. Success varies by individual effort, motivation, and personal circumstances. Statements made about potential outcomes are expressions of our opinion based on what you might achieve with the guitar challenge.

Your success will depend entirely on your dedication to applying the methods outlined in this challenge. Moreover, copying, distributing, or selling any content from this challenge, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited without prior written approval from the author. All trademarks and registered trademarks mentioned are owned by their respective holders.

Frequently asked questions

Do I need any prior guitar playing experience to join the challenge?

Not at all! This challenge is perfectly tailored for absolute beginners. Many of our participants have never held a guitar before. We start right from the basics, including how to properly hold a guitar. It's an ideal starting point for your guitar learning journey!

I've played guitar a little before. Is this challenge suitable for me?

Absolutely! While the challenge begins with the fundamentals, many guitarists with some experience find it a great opportunity to refine their basic skills and correct foundational techniques. If you're looking to solidify your guitar basics, this is the place for you.

Can I invite my friends to join the guitar challenge?

Yes, definitely! The more participants, the better the experience. This free 5-day guitar challenge is open to everyone, though spots are limited to ensure personalized support. Share the joy of learning guitar and invite your friends to join by directing them to our event page.

Are the guitar lessons live, or can I learn at my own pace?

The core lessons are pre-recorded, allowing you to learn at your own pace and convenience. However, we also have a lively interactive component! Join our community group for daily live sessions where I'll be available to answer questions and provide additional guitar tips.

What equipment do I need to participate in the guitar challenge?

To get started, all you need is a guitar and a commitment of 20-40 minutes each day for practice. A positive attitude and eagerness to learn are key! I'll provide everything else you need within the challenge, including comprehensive lessons and support.

I've attempted to learn guitar before without success. How is this challenge different?

Overcome beginner's challenges with our unique guitar course! Focused on essentials, I personally guide you at every step, ensuring real progress in your guitar skills. Join us for an engaging learning journey!

Is the 5-Day Guitar Challenge really free?

Yes, it is. This includes full access to all the video lessons, handouts, and exercises. Plus, I'll be available throughout the week for additional support. While there will be a special offer to join my full guitar program at the end of the challenge, the initial 5 days are entirely free.

Organised by

The highlight reel:

  • Msc in Software Development
  • Diploma of London College of Music in Guitar Teaching (DipLCM)
  • Diploma in Mind Coaching
  • Performed on national radio stations + festivals including Body & Soul, Electric Picnic + Sea Sessions
  • Taught Guitar for 24 hours in a World Record Attempt
  • YouTube Channel with currently over 2,200,000 lesson views, 51,600 hours of lessons taken by guitar players in 50 countries

The backstory:

There's always an easier way to play...

It's a long time ago since I saw a guitar in the back of a department store catalogue in 1999 and asked my Mom for a guitar. It was the first time I had voiced interest in an instrument by myself and luckily for me I had an acoustic guitar in my hands within a week, on one condition: that I would practice!! I was 13, in the final year of my current school cycle and began my guitar journey from there, swapping guitar tips at lunch breaks with friends until the final night of school I saw a local band of past students come back and play "Sultans of Swing" by Dire Straits.

Something changed for me that night: I knew I wouldn't get from strumming open chords by myself to playing fast solos on an electric so I asked if I could go for guitar lessons. The next five years of my playing life still count as the some of the fondest as I was lucky enough to meet an amazing teacher. Any guitar question, problem or ambition I had, he had the answer and it brought me great confidence as a player to have found something I could progress at and find my tribe in the process!

All I ever wanted to do after school was be a guitar teacher and I've been fortunate to teach professionally for the past 10 years, holding a diploma in guitar teaching as well as a 24 hour world record attempt guitar lesson given in Galway City back in 2017. Raising funds for Jigsaw Galway in the process. I've played festivals such as Electric Picnic, Body & Soul and Sea Sessions, recorded in some pretty nice studios such as Grouse Lodge (Muse, Michael Jackson recorded there) but it's always come back to teaching for me.

My goal with every lesson is to educate in a fun manner and give students the tools and teaching to believe in themselves, on and off the guitar.

So Are You Ready to Kickstart Your Guitar Journey..? Let's Get Started!