Mini Retreat Sunday Mornings  Kundalini Yoga and Sound Bath

Mini Retreat Sunday Mornings Kundalini Yoga and Sound Bath

Join us for an alternative way to celebrate life in the beautiful "Shine In" Studio in Kinsealy by connecting with your higher self!

By Enda Greene

Select date and time

Sunday, July 28 · 10am - 1pm GMT+1


Shine In Yoga

20 Saint Olave's K36 N880 Dublin Ireland

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 7 days before event

About this event

Why not join us for an alternative way to celebrate life in the beautiful "Shine In" Studio in Kinsealy to connect with your true nature and awaken the divine energy within to feel love, joy, peace and even bliss!

No experience needed!

These 3 Mini Retreat Summer Sunday mornings will all be different as nothing is ever the same, what will be the same is that you will experience connection with your higher self/heart/true nature/ soul/spirit/divine within (what ever you like to call it.) You will experience happiness and joy and many different emotions throughout the morning and you will definitly experience relaxation!!

Kundalini is the creative potential energy (soul energy) that is part of the universal divine energy, (that we are all connected to at all times) thought to be stored at the base of the spine.

Through kundalini yoga asanas (postures), mudras (hand positions) breath work, moving meditation and chanting we can awaken this energy to serve us to enrich our lives, raising our vibrations to live at a higher, happier level helping us to deal with challenges in life with renewed strength!

(There is free parking outside the studio for convenience.)

The Practice:

  • Tune in to soul/heart/spirit with chant and calming breathwork arriving in the present moment
  • Kundalini yoga practice - moving meditations to stay present and aware
  • Relaxation with mindfulness body scan
  • Relaxation with chanting and yogic meditation
  • Relaxation with hypno healing
  • Bringing your healing intention with you for a relaxing 45 min Sound bath including Gongs, tibetan bowls, crystal bowls, drum, chimes etc.
  • Closing Chant to send a healing prayer to our selves, our families and the universe.

About me, Enda Greene:

I’m a qualified Kundalini Yoga teacher (KRI Certified) since 2019 when I was blessed to be trained by Jai Kataur Kar Mohan. I have been teaching and practicing Kundalini yoga passionately since then. I have worked as a librarian for the last 16 years but I have taken a career break to share my passion and teach Kundalini yoga full time since January 24.

I have taught workshops and full day retreats co-hosting with Niamh Bryne from Glen Arch Holistic based in Wicklow and I taught at the last "Kundalini Gathering Festival ''in Ireland.

I have taught classes online and in person consistently since 2019 as I feel it is an amazing tool to combat stress and anxiety on one level but more over teaches us that we are all one and the same and we can feel connected, loved and peacful through the practice.

I also am certified to hold sound baths with yoga through the Sound Healing Academy and have a Foundation Certificate in Hypnotherapy. At present I am studying for my Advanced Diploma in Hypnotherapy with the ICHP.

I'm a mother first to 3 grown up kids and have a wealth of life experience behind me! I look forward to meeting you!! Enda

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