"What does the UK General Election mean for Brexit and Northern Ireland?"

"What does the UK General Election mean for Brexit and Northern Ireland?"

By Maynooth University

Date and time

Thu, 27 Jul 2017 11:30 - 13:00 GMT+1


Maynooth University Social Sciences Institute

Iontas Maynooth Ireland


MU SSI 'Social Sciences Roundtables' Series

The Maynooth University Social Sciences Institute is delighted to invite you to a
Roundtable Discussion
"What does the UK General Election mean for Brexit and Northern Ireland?"
This panel will discuss the social and political challenges facing Ireland in the immediate aftermath of the recent British election, including in relation to - the future of the Northern Ireland assembly, the prospect of a ‘hard’ or ‘soft’ Brexit, the potential reintroduction of either a ‘hard’ or ‘soft’ border, and the implications of Brexit both for the peace process and for human rights, women’s rights and LGBT rights.
Tuesday, 27th June at 11.30am, 1st Floor, Conference Room, Iontas Building, Maynooth University
Chair: Dr. Claire Hamilton, Department of Law, Maynooth University
Speakers: Dr. Colin Coulter, Department of Sociology, Maynooth University; Dr. Sinéad Kennedy, Department of English, Maynooth University (TBC); Liam Herrick, Executive Director, Irish Council for Civil Liberties; Professor John O’Brennan, Department of Sociology/Politics, Maynooth University.
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Dr. Colin Coulter is Senior Lecturer in Sociology at Maynooth University. He holds a PhD in Sociology from Queen’s University Belfast. His books include: (1999)Contemporary Northern Irish Society: An Introduction, Pluto Press; with Angela Nagle (2015)Ireland Under Austerity: Neoliberal Crisis, Neoliberal Solutions, Manchester University Press; with Peter Shirlow (2014)Northern Ireland 20 Years After the Cease-Fires: A Special Edition of 'Studies in Conflict and Terrorism'; with Michael Murray (2008)Northern Ireland after the Troubles? A Society in Transition, Manchester University Press; and, with Steve Coleman (2003)The End of Irish History? Critical Approaches to the 'Celtic Tiger', Manchester University Press.
Dr. Claire Hamilton practised as a barrister in criminal law until 2004 when she became a full time academic. Prior to joining Maynooth University she worked for several years as a lecturer in criminology in Dublin Institute of Technology and Queen's University Belfast. She has published widely in various national and international legal and criminological journals including the British Journal of Criminology, Theoretical Criminology and the European Journal of Criminology. She is the author/editor of four books, the most recent of which is the Routledge Handbook of Irish Criminology. She is currently writing up comparative research into counter-terrorism funded by the Irish Research Council New Horizons Research Project Scheme. She is a member of the Social Sciences Committee of the Royal Irish Academy, the Advisory Board of the Irish Innocence Project and the Executive Committee of the Irish Council for Civil Liberties. She is also President of the Irish Association of Law Teachers.
Dr. Sinéad Kennedy teaches in the Department of English at Maynooth University where she is a Senior University Tutor. Her research interests focus on critical theory, in particular the control and regulation of the female body by the neoliberal state. She has published widely on the politics of abortion in Ireland and internationally and has recently co-editedThe Abortion Papers Ireland: Volume 2 (2015). She is currently completing a book on feminist political theory under neoliberalism. She has been involved in feminism and pro-choice activism for almost 20 years and was a spokesperson for the Alliance for a No vote during the 2002 abortion referendum. More recently she was a founder member of Action on X and currently works with Action for Choice to campaign for access to free, safe and legal abortion in Ireland, North and South. She is a co-founder of the Coalition to Repeal the Eighth Amendment.
Liam Herrick was appointed to Executive Director of the Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL) in November 2016. Prior to his appointment, he worked as Advisor to President Michael D. Higgins for almost three years. Liam was Executive Director of the Irish Penal Reform Trust (IPRT) between 2007 and 2014. He has also worked as the first head of legislation and policy at the former Irish Human Rights Commission and with the Law Reform Commission and the Department of Foreign Affairs. He is a member of the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission (IHREC), a former Board member of the Children's Rights Alliance and the Minister for Justice and Equality's Strategic Review Group on Penal Policy (2012-2014). Liam graduated from University College Cork with a BCL and LLM and from University College Dublin with a Diploma in Human Rights Law. He is an adjunct lecturer in Law at Maynooth University.
Professor John O’Brennan is Jean Monnet Professor of European Integration and Senior Lecturer in the Department of Sociology/Politics programme at Maynooth University. His work focuses on European Integration and the EU institutions and, specifically on the process and politics of the EU's Enlargement policy. He is currently finishing a monograph which examines the EU's role in the Western Balkans and have also been working recently on a project examining the role of the European Commission in the post-accession process in Bulgaria and Romania. He also works on the Irish relationship with the European Union and has published a number of pieces on Brexit and its implications for Ireland in 2017.

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